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What people say about us

A great course to refresh your memory on commonly seen anaesthetic and ECC complications and how to deal with them in all kinds of veterinary practice.
Zoe Curtis BSc(Hons) CertVNECC RVN

Anaesthetic Emergencies

Suitable for Vet Nurses and Vets8 Hours

£179.00 + VAT


Course Overview

Everyone who is involved in anaesthesia should be able to deal with common complications.

This course focuses on various emergency conditions, how and why they arise and the actions to take to try and remedy the situation, as well as any preventative measures that may be taken. Current techniques of performing CPR and resuscitation will be covered, and case studies will provide a platform for discussion. Aimed at vet nurses, vets and students.

Module 1. Risks, hazards and errors
Module 2. Respiratory complications
Module 3. Hypothermia
Module 4. Hypotension
Module 5. Shock and hypovolaemia
Module 6. Cardiac emergencies and resuscitation

Denise Prisk

DipAVN (Surgical), VTS (Anesthesia & Analgesia), LTCL, LCGI, RVN
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What people say about us

A great course to refresh your memory on commonly seen anaesthetic and ECC complications and how to deal with them in all kinds of veterinary practice.
Zoe Curtis BSc(Hons) CertVNECC RVN

Course format


This course is designed as a refresher CPD course and is composed of a series of modules, with each module containing a video webinar, notes to download and keep, plus clinical cases to deepen your understanding.

Tutored courses are supplemented by a discussion forum where you can ask the tutor questions and debate topics relevant to your daily practice – this forum operates for the three weeks of the advertised course dates. Total course access is 12 months. Courses are completed with an MCQ exam (giving you 8 hours of CPD) which can be taken at any time during the 12 months the course is running.

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